
IES’s safety standards and respect for creating and maintaining the safest project environment possible, translates into efficient project delivery from start to finish.

“ThinkZEROHarm” is not just a catch-phrase or an organizational aspiration; it is the mindset we use to work on all of our projects. At IES, we are committed to the well-being of our people, our clients and those that reside in the communities in which we operate. We work hard, we work smart and we work judiciously with safety at the forefront. We look out for each other and take precautions to ensure that everyone stays safe each and every day. We put safety above all other considerations.

Through training, communication, supervision and worksite practices, we continuously strive to achieve zero incidents. We are committed to maintaining the safety of everyone, protecting the environment, maximizing the value of our client’s assets and achieving world-class performance in HSE.

Safety 1
Safety 2
Man-Hours without a Lost-Time Incident
0.0 15
0.0 20

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